
+353 (0)1 544 2300

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday 5pm – Late

Saturday & Sunday 1pm – Late

SOLE’s New Captain

Introducing Oscar Navarro as SOLE’s new Restaurant Director.

We are thrilled to welcome Oscar to the team at SOLE. Oscar brings a wealth of experience and passion for exceptional dining to our award-winning restaurant, SOLE Seafood & Grill.

We asked Oscar a few questions so we and you, our customers could get to know him better.

Tell us about yourself

I was born in Madrid and raised in Paris, where I attended catering school and started working in the hotel industry. This is also where I worked with world-class chef, Alain Ducasse.

I lived in Madrid also, working in The Westin Palace Hotel and The International Hotel. Now living in Dublin, I’ve brought my expertise to well-known restaurants including Peploes on the Green, Ely Wine Bar and The Dylan Hotel, before joining the SOLE team.

What would your ideal meal be?

If I came for dinner at SOLE, I would have a few Oysters to start, followed by the Crab Claws and the SOLE Meunière. I would skip dessert and have a Brandy Alexander.

What do you love most about your job?

What I love most about my job is when I see happy customers, and when we as a team make the experience memorable. All those little details that make an unforgettable visit, from the welcoming, the advice/recommendations given to guests, the quality of the food cooked to perfection by our talented chefs, the small chats with guests and the hope to see them again soon…. that’s what puts a smile on my face.

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